How To Set Up Your Facebook Notifications So You Don’t Miss Our Draws - Ottawa, Richmond

*UPDATED* How To Set Up Your Facebook Notifications So You Don’t Miss Our Draws
May 12/2021

UPDATE: New Facebook Group

As many of you know, Facebook has been extra picky on the content that is posted. So while we're allowed to post photos of guns online, they often get flagegd by the AI and removed. Normally we're able to get them posted back fairly quickly, but it's not guaranteed. Some of you wonderful folks have suggested a Private Group in hopes that it would keep our draws unaffected. So that's what we've done! 

The draws will now be posted in the private group each day, so make sure you've joined the group, invited your friends, and set up your notifications so you'll always be ready as soon as the draw goes live. Here's how to join the group: 


STEP ONE: Join our Facebook Group 

STEP TWO: Click the three dots near the top of the page to access your settings

STEP THREE: Set your notifications to "ALL POSTS" and save the settings. 

Thank you for following us and joining our group so we can keep these draws going. We love being able to provide awesome guns, bows, and accessory packages for people all across Canada. 

Our general Facebook page will continue to post store info and links to the draws but will not include the photos to prevent them from getting taken down. The details for following us are below. 

So, first step, make sure you Like us on Facebook!



Next, to increase your chance of making it into the draw before it sells out, you’re going to want to “follow” the page as well. 



Now that you’ve liked and followed the page, you’re going to want to make sure those notifications are set up right. Click through to the Follow settings and make sure you’re set up to receive post notifications and that we’re marked as a “Favourite” so you’ll always see us in your timeline. 



Once you’ve set up all of your notification settings, you should receive notifications each time we post, including our draw updates, new posts on our blog, and any other important store news. 

We hope you have fun participating in the draws! 

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Larry MacIntosh: - 01/28/2021
Love the draws

Tony hafner: - 01/28/2021
Awesome draws

Cory: - 01/29/2021

Dave Luckasavitch: - 01/29/2021
How do I enter the context if I’m not on FB?

That Hunting Store: - 01/29/2021
Hey Dave, You can always give us a call in store to enter the draw! We post the photos on Facebook, but you can call and we can tell you what's in the draw and take credit card payment over the phone. The only issue is you may not always catch the draws as they can sell out fairly quickly. It's easiest to follow us on Facebook, but we definitely have a few people who just swing by the store to check it out in person or give us a call! Good luck!

John: - 02/13/2021
Heard from a friend about your store cant wait to visit.

Jonathan : - 12/13/2021
Love the store lots good deals

Greg scrivdns: - 05/16/2022
Love the Draws

Greg scrivdns: - 05/16/2022
Love the Draws

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