August 22/2024
DRAWS ARE NOW CLOSED !!! Stand by all weekend as we draw a new winner every hour !!! Good luck everyone !!!
As we mentioned before, every draw held between August 9th and August 21st had 15 EXTRA BALLOTS selected who received A FREE ENTRY for a chance to win one of the Special Anniversary Packages! The names of those selected are posted on the blog posts as well as the 15th Anniversary Shenanigans Page so make sure you check them to see if you’ve already got a chance at one of the prize packages!
If you aren’t one of the lucky ones who won a free entry, we’ve got one final way to get your chance to win one of the Special Anniversary Packages! TODAY only - Aug 22nd you will be able to purchase a magnet for $20 per entry to get directly into the draw (same rules apply as to our regular draws - check out any other blog post for details) for the Special Anniversary Packages! All of the prize packages are listed below so you can see if you want to enter to win one of the awesome prizes donated from our wonderful suppliers.
Winners will be drawn over the span of the anniversary weekend, August 23rd - August 25th, every hour. The winners get to choose which package they want, but make sure you call before the next winner is drawn because they might pick the prize you want! (Please note packages will be available to pick up/ship Wed Aug 28th)
Good luck Everyone !!
We have 15 packages to draw out this weekend including the HUNT FOR THE TRACKS in-store only draw. Each winner will be called and they get to select which of the prizes they want. But keep in mind, the next winner will be selected an hour later so you want to make sure you choose quick so they don't snatch up the prize you want!
- WINNER #1: 1PM - KELLY WIGMORE - Selected Package #4: Browning X-Bolt Mountain Pro
- WINNER #2: 2PM - PAT TREMBLET - Selected Package #2: Winchester Model 94 Lever Action
- WINNER #3: 3PM - DAVE WILSON - Selected Package #12: Leupold Scope
- WINNER #4: 9AM - JOHN LACOURSE - Selected Package # 1: Browning X-Bolt Gold Medallion
- WINNER #5: 10AM - NEIL KITMER - Selected Package #6: Traditions Muzzleloader
- WINNER #6: 11AM - JASON RUSSELL - Selected Package #9: Excalibur Micro Crossbow
- WINNER #7: 12PM - GEORGE EVES - Selected Package #5: Savage Impulse
- WINNER #8: 1PM - BRUCE MALMBERG - Selected Package #13: Hawke Binoculars
- WINNER #9: 2PM - DEREK MARTINAT - Selected Package #7: JTS & Revolution Armory Combo Pack
- WINNER #10: 3PM - NATHAN GAMMON - Selected Package #3: Revolution Armoury Lever 410GA
- WINNER #11: 4PM - ROBERT JONES - Selected Package #10: Diamond Edge Max RH
- WINNER #12: 10AM - IAN BUDARICK - Selected Package #8: Vortex Scope Package
- WINNER #13: 11AM - HUGH GALLAGHER - Selected Package #11: Wicked Ridge Crossbow
- WINNER #14: 12PM - KYLE MORRIS - Selected Package #14: Canuck Hunter 410 Pump
Every Package Includes a That Hunting Store Swag Bag - Retail Value of $150
Your Choice of our Very Famous Store Hats
That Hunting Store 15th Anniversary Special Edition Leather Sling
That Hunting Store Club Card Membership - Valid for 1 year
Special Edition THS Leather Keychain
THS Logo Keychain
New THS Gun Sock
THS Magnet
THS Logo Sticker & THS Moose on the Loose Sticker
CLAIMED: JOHN LACOURSE !!! Package #1 - Retail Value of Approx. $2400
Mega Moose
Browning Xbolt White Gold Medallion in 308
EZ Aim White Tail Targets 2 Pack
Mazzlock Combination Trigger Lock
Hawke Lens Cleaner Cloth
Hornady Hat
Camo Bushnell Hat
Federal Hat
Vortex Hat

CLAIMED: PAT TREMBLETT - Package #2 - Retail Value of Approx. $2200
Mega Moose
Winchester Model M94 Short Rifle in 30-30
Apple Obsession Whitetail Institute 5LB Bag
Marker Ribbon Green
Mossy Oak Graphics Sticker
Knife Sharpener (White)
EZ Aim White Tail Targets 2 Pack
Mazzlock Combination Trigger Lock
Hornady Hat
Camo Bushnell Hat
Remington Hat
Federal Hat
Buck Expert V-Flex Whitetail Call

CLAIMED - NATHAN GAMMON! Package #3 - Retail Value of Approx. $1100
Mega Moose
Revolution Armory LVR410 FDE/Blued 410GA x 2 1/2"
Silver Creek Tournament Pro Series Knife Sharpener
Remington 24" Dog Collar
ASD Reversible Dog Collar
Marker Ribbon Green
Mossy Oak Graphics Sticker
Duck Dynasty Toque
Mazzlock Combination Trigger Lock
Camo Bushnell Hat
Remington Hat
Federal Hat

CLAIMED: KELLY WIGMORE - Package #4 - Retail Value of Approx. $3700
Mega Moose
Browning X-Bolt Mountain Pro in 7mm
Moose Paper Target
Mazzlock Combination Trigger Lock
Hawke Lens Cleaner Cloth
Vortex Hat
Leupold Hat
Camo Bushnell Hat
Federal Hat

CLAIMED - GEORGE EVES - Package #5 - Retail Value of Approx. $2400
Mega Moose
Savage Impulse Big Game Straight Pull - 243 Win
Buck Bomb Rut Kit
EZ Aim White Tail Targets 2 Pack
EZ Aim Coyote Targets 3 Pack
Mazzlock Combination Trigger Lock
Hornady Hat
Camo Bushnell Hat
Federal Hat
Vortex Hat
Apple Obsession Whitetail Institute 5LB Bag

CLAIMED - NEIL KITMER - Package #6 - Retail Value of Approx. $1300
Mega Moose
Traditions Pursuit G4
Triple Seven Pellets 50Grx100 Muzzleloader
Smackdown Carnivore 50 Cal 250GR Muzzleloader
Traditions Deluxe Shooters Kit w/Range Box
Apple Obsession Whitetail Institute 5LB Bag
Buck Bomb Rut Kit
Marker Ribbon Green
Traditions Muzzleloader DVD
EZ Aim White Tail Targets 2 Pack
Mazzlock Combination Trigger Lock
Hawke Lens Cleaner Cloth
Camo Bushnell Hat
Federal Hat
Vortex Hat

CLAIMED - DEREK MARTINAT - Package #7 - Retail Value of Approx. $1300
Mega Moose
Revolution Armory SB2S with gun Case 410x3"
JTS FX12 IS Inertia 12GA x 3" Semi-Automatic
Silver Creek Tournament Pro Series Knife Sharpener
Marker Ribbon Green
Mazzlock Combination Trigger Lock
Mazzlock Combination Trigger Lock
Hornady Hat
Camo Bushnell Hat
Remington Hat
Federal Hat
Mick Lacey Crystal X Series Dynamic X Duck Call
Buck Expert Tough Grip Friction Call Grey
Buck Expert Tough Grip Fricion Call Copper x 1
Buck Expert Tough Grip Friction Call Grey
Buck Expert Turkey Kit X4 (multipacks)

Thanks for offering these great packages
Jerry Racine: - 08/19/2024
I’ll take another one
Cynthia Rousseau: - 08/19/2024
Jason Gobeo: - 08/19/2024
Alex Lefebvre: - 08/19/2024
Tanks for a nother great draw!
Jeremy Keech: - 08/19/2024
Awesome! In for 3
Tracy: - 08/19/2024
Pierre Mayer: - 08/19/2024
packages #4
Jeremiah : - 08/20/2024
I’ll take two e-transfer sent
Gordon: - 08/20/2024
2 please
Brenda : - 08/20/2024
1 plz
Mark : - 08/20/2024
One please
Carrie Anne Lpenskie: - 08/20/2024
1 for Package #4 Donate target, emt sent
Nicolas Girard: - 08/20/2024
Waleed: - 08/20/2024
Thank you You have very nice employees
Richard Gauthier: - 08/22/2024
Fantastic Store!
Len Jarvis: - 08/22/2024
One please and thank you.
Kyle Mask: - 08/22/2024
Can I buy some magnets for these draws today?
Joe Lemay: - 08/22/2024
2 Please
Ryan: - 08/22/2024
I'll take 3 please
Lindsay Babluck: - 08/22/2024
1 emt
Dave Moore: - 08/22/2024
5 please. Sent for RY
Todd: - 08/22/2024
1 please
Keegun Lemay: - 08/22/2024
2 Please
Derrick Palmateer: - 08/22/2024
Spencer Fawcett: - 08/22/2024
Marc Landry: - 08/22/2024
1 please
Sam: - 08/22/2024
I'll take 1 please
Steve Heideman: - 08/22/2024
2 please
Rick White: - 08/22/2024
Thanks Rick and Angie
Brad Maloney: - 08/22/2024
I’ll take one!
Rick White: - 08/22/2024
5 magnets please Rick white
Rae-Ellen Fraser: - 08/22/2024
1 pls
Pat: - 08/22/2024
2 please
Kristopher McCullough: - 08/22/2024
Great packages
Bruce Malmberg: - 08/22/2024
2 entries please
George: - 08/22/2024
How do you buy a magnet?
Tyler: - 08/22/2024
Sending for 5. Good luck all and a big happy 15th anniversary to everyone at That Hunting Store!
Phil blyde: - 08/22/2024
2 please
Brandon : - 08/22/2024
3 please
Brenda: - 08/22/2024
2 more plz
Ayron OGrady: - 08/22/2024
Sending for two
Greg Snow: - 08/22/2024
In for 2!
Rodney: - 08/22/2024
Sent for 4 Thank you so much!
Pierre Bouchard: - 08/22/2024
Diana Dillabaugh: - 08/22/2024
How do pay for ticket
Kolton: - 08/22/2024
I’ll take 1 please e-transfer sent
Christopher: - 08/22/2024
E-transfer sent for 2!
Matt: - 08/22/2024
Sent for two thank you
Serge Larocque: - 08/22/2024
Thanks another awsome draw
Marc: - 08/22/2024
Sent for 1
Toby: - 08/22/2024
Chris Lavigne: - 08/22/2024
Sent 2 entries
Steve Beauchamp: - 08/22/2024
1 please
Maureen: - 08/22/2024
one please
Eve: - 08/22/2024
Emt sent for 5 thanks ????
Joel Osborne: - 08/22/2024
Package #6
Paul: - 08/22/2024
1 please
Mike: - 08/22/2024
3 please!
Theresa Brydges: - 08/22/2024
1 please
Chris: - 08/22/2024
5 random please, emt sent
Frank : - 08/22/2024
Frank: - 08/22/2024
Emely Cameron : - 08/22/2024
1 ballot please
Thomas Massicotte: - 08/22/2024
Good luck!
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